The (PIQ) was developed as a means of obtaining immediate and direct client feedback about the imagery rescripting session just experienced. The PIQ consists of two forms: PIQ-A and PIQ-B. While some overlap exists between the two forms, specific items vary in accordance with the particular phase of rescripting which the client is in at the moment.
The PIQ is administered by the clinician immediately following the completion of an imagery session. The clinician introduces the PIQ to the client as follows:
I would like to ask you a few questions about the imagery session we just completed. I will be asking you to rate your response to each item on a 0-100 scale. Do you need a few moments to get reoriented?
Once the client has indicated a readiness to begin, the clinician reads aloud the items of the PIQ-A beginning with Item A:
On a scale from 0-100, how vivid was the imagery you experienced during our session today? Zero would indicate that you could not develop the imagery at all, 100 would indicate that the imagery was extremely vivid.
After recording the client’s response on the line to the left of Item A, the clinician then proceeds to Items B, 1, 2, and so on, following the same procedure until all items have been administered.
When the client’s responses to all of the PIQ items have been recorded, the clinician notes the items with an asterisks [*] next to them. These are the “reversed” items and are converted to “real” scores in the following manner:
Where X equals the Client Rating Score (i.e. the actual number reported on a reversed item),100 minus X equals the Real Item Score.
The Real Item Score of each item without an asterisks is the actual number reported by the client. The total PIQ quantitative score is the sum of all individual Real Item Scores of items 1-10. (Items A and B of both PIQ forms are not tabulated in the total PIQ score.) Total scores in each PIQ form range from 0 to 1000.
The higher the total PIQ score, the more acute is the degree of abuse-related cognitive dysfunctionality and affective distress. At the completion of Imagery Rescripting treatment, a significant drop in the total PIQ scores should be noted. Although the PIQ appears to have good face validity, psychometric data are not yet available for either form.